An Egyptian papyrus scroll dating back over 3000 years prescribes an ointment for restoring lost hair consisting of equal parts of crocodile fat and hippopotamus dung. The Egyptian Pharaoh’s were never seen with out a wig and the sons of Pharaoh wore their hair in a distinctive bun on the right side of their head just behind the ear.
Remember the Biblical tale of Sampson who had the strength to destroy the Philistines as long as his hair remained. Delilah gave him the most famous haircut in history that left him a 97 pound weakling.
Hippocrates recognized a connection between sexual organs and baldness. His prescription for preventing hair loss was the application of cumin, pigeon droppings, horseradish, and nettles to the scalp.
The Roman rulers were called “Caesar” which means “Head of Hair.”
King Louie XV made elaborate wigs fashionable to cover his baldness.
Many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence covered their baldness with wigs.
Today hair continues to be an important symbol of attitudes, culture, religion and sex appeal. For a woman, it is her “Crowning Glory”! For a man, it is, as it was to Julius Caesar, his wreath of honour, his symbol of virile manhood!
The human skin (the largest organ) has more hair follicles per unit of surface area than any other primate. People with black hair have 100,000 follicles present in the scalp – blondes 10% more and redheads 10% less. You lose 100 hairs a day. If hair is left uncut it will grow to 40 inches in length in the anagen phase or growing phase.
According to Dr. Young, “hair loss is not a hair problem but a location problem.”
What is Hair?
Hair is composed of a protein called Keratin.
Human hair is classified into two groups: vellus and terminal hair.
Hair has a nerve fiber going to the bulb.
There is a separate, tiny muscle, called the erector pili, which connects the underside of the skin to the hair shaft. When you are frightened, cold or angry the muscle contracts and your hair stands on end. Each time the erector pili contracts, it puts pressure on the sebaceous gland, next to the hair shaft, which then secretes sebum to lubricate the hair. An overactive sebaceous gland causes oily skin and hair.
Each hair, muscle and gland comprises a pilo-sebaceous unit.
The Long and Short of Hair Growth
Rapunzel let her hair down from the tower to let the prince climb up. She had no idea that she was missing a growth factor that controls the length of hair. In 1994, the University of California, San Francisco revealed that the presence of a growth factor – contrary to its name – limits the length that hair will grow. It is called, Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 and is a chemical messenger that controls the growth of hair. When missing this factor the hair will not stop growing and will eventually fall out. Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 is the first chemical signal discovered for the hair cycle.
The Hair Growth Cycle
First, a hair follicle develops. Deep inside it lays a bud of mesodermal tissue which causes the bud to divide and sprout a new hair. Eventually, as expected it stops growing due to Fibroblast Growth Factor 5. The follicle becomes quiescent and the hair falls ending the cycle to begin again.
Hair consists of highly insoluble substance of protein-like keratin, containing a fixed portion of the amino acids arginine, histidine, and lysine but variable proportions of cystene. Hair is 15% keratin.
Hair is cylinder of impacted keratinized cells comprising three major
structures: the outside layer called the cuticle, the next layer the cortex, and the central-most layer known as the medulla.
The Anatomy of Hair and its Follicles
The medulla contains melanin pigment granules and is present in only thick terminal hair. It is the least important part of the hair as it pertains to a hair product which nourishes or stimulates hair growth.
The cortex, the thickened part of the hair shaft, is a site at which most of the hair changes of texture, porosity, brittleness, colour and thickness occurs.
The cuticle, consisting of flattened cells arranged like shingles on a roof, maintains the integrity of the hair shaft. The overlapping is extremely tight, preventing damage to the underlying cortex. When the cuticle is intact, the scales are smooth, reflect light, and provide the hair with a shiny, healthy look. This healthy appearance is a manifestation of the hair’s porosity, elasticity, and texture.
There Are 39 Forms of Baldness
The medical profession calls hair loss alopecia. Hair loss can be due to genetics, systemic acidosis, excess of acidic hormones, drug side effects, aging, chemotherapy and radiation, skin disorder or other symptoms due to systemic acidosis that localizes at the weakest point of the body.
The Six Main Types of Alopecia or Hair Loss
Alopecia areata – well-defined bald patches often round or oval. They present themselves on the head, beard, and other hairy parts of the body.
Alopecia universalis is complete hair loss on the entire body.
Patchy alopecia – hair loss develops on the parietal and occipital regions of scalp.
Alopecia totalis – is complete hair loss on the scalp.
Alopecia disseminata – hair loss around the whole scalp or other parts of the body.
Alopecia androgenetica – male and female pattern baldness.
Breakdown and Loss of the Hair
Anagen Phase – Ana in Greek means “growing up” gen indicates “Life.” During this phase the hair shaft is firmly embedded and a hair strand is growing.
Catagen Phase – Cata in Greek means “growing down.” The club structure has formed as the outer hair root sheath collapses and withdraws up the follicular sheath. The hair is breaking down.
Telogen Phase – Tele means in Greek “the End.” The follicle is shrinking the sheath retracts and trails in the dermal layer of the scalp. The hair strand is ready to fall out.
Male Androgenic Alopecia or Male Pattern Baldness
66 % of all men in Westernized Countries experience hair thinning and 40% develop baldness.
Eight typical patterns of andro (hormone) genetic
Type I – before puberty
Type II – teenager
Type III – adulthood early stages of hair loss, spot balding at the vertex
Type IV – VII – progressively more severe
What Causes the Incredible Shrinking Hair Loss
Blood circulation to the bulb of the hair pulls away due to excess acidity from an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. Nerves providing the electrical energy for blood differentiation also pull away from the hair bulb due to poor blood circulation. Without blood for dedifferentiation (the transformation of blood into new hair cells) and nerves to provide the proper energy fields for dedifferentiation and redifferentiation no knew hair follicles will grow and the hair shrinks and falls out.
Theoretical Causes of Alopecia
1) Systemic acids that localize at the bulb of the hair follicle.
2) Increased biological transmutations of bacteria and yeast.
3) Mineral deficiency, especially zinc, magnesium and manganese that are chelating or buffering metabolic acids.
4) Physical and emotional stress that increase acidity and biological
5) Hormonal imbalance, especially the increase of the acidic hormone
Female Androgenic Alopecia or Female Pattern Baldness
1) 22% of the World’s women have hair thinning and hair loss. Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 hair loss can manifest at anytime after puberty.
2) Increased amounts of the acid testosterone come from eating acidic meats.
3) Increased amounts of acids due to physical and emotional stress.
4) Increased amounts of bacteria and yeast due to increased amounts of endogenous acids.
Hormones and Alopecia
Hair loss has been associated with to much testosterone. Testosterone interacts with an enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is concentrated in the skin and genitals.5-alpha reductase converts testosterone into another acid called dihydrotetosterone (DHT). DHT has been associated with the male external genital development, such as the formation of the penis, scrotum, and prostate. In the scalp, each follicle reacts to the over-production of DHT. Men and women in male or female pattern baldness have DHT-sensitive follicles at the front and top of the head. Excess DHT is created through diets that are high in carbohydrate and protein that increase bacteria, yeast and the subsequent endogenous acids.
Genetics and Alopecia
Hair loss is a result of lifestyle triggers that can then activate a variant gene to Fibroblast Growth Factor 5, called the Angora Gene. The Angora Gene when activated causes the hair follicle to rapidly progress to the Tologen Phase or end stage of the form and function of the hair follicle. This gene is inherited from their Fathers and occasionally from their Mothers.
The Russian Roulette Metaphor
The Angora gene is activated by lifestyle triggers such as physical and emotional stress, chemicals from hair products, chemotherapy, antibiotics, increased endogenous acids, increased microforms, and parasites, just to name a few.
Solutions to Prevent Onset Baldness Due to DHT and other Acids
1) Stop the body’s production of testosterone with castration?
2) Stop the increased production of testosterone becoming DHT causing the hair follicle to shrink with an alkaline lifestyle and diet – the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet. Block the DHT before it gets to the follicles by diluting the blood plasma of DHT with alkalizing fluids from green foods.
3) Strengthen the hair follicles so they are not sensitive to DHT with green foods and green drinks, minerals that bind acids like DHT and/or use shampoos and conditioners that strengthen the hair follicle and keeps excess sebum from building up in and around the hair follicle due to excess acidity.
4) Finally, support the white blood cells responsible for picking up and clearing out broken cortex and matrix cells and hair fibers by keeping the environment around the hair bulb alkalized and energized by supporting the white blood cells with alkalizing shampoos and conditioners.
Solutions to Reverse Male and Female Alopecia Androgentica
The prevention and regeneration of new hair is determines by five factors:
1) The quality of the blood from alkaline living, eating and thinking.
2) The quality of the alkaline context that surrounds the blood
3) The quality of the alkaline context that surrounds the hair bulb
4) The condition of circulation of blood going into the existing hair bulb,
5) And the alkaline context of the scalp.
Acid, Yeast and Alopecia
Yeast ferments blood glucose causing an increase of acid. Acids are cheated by cholesterol causing poor blood circulation to the bulb of the follicular papilla. Blood is needed to provide the anatomical elements in the production of biological fibers known as hair. Acids breakdown blood, breakdown the nerves going up into the follicular papilla that provides the energy fields for the biological transformation of the blood into biological fibers. Acids breakdown the capillaries that feed nutrients into the hair bulb causing the hair to stop growing and fallout.
Solutions to Reverse Male and Female Alopecia Androgenetica
1) Alkalarian Lifestyle and Diet – pH Miracle Living
2) Increase Green foods and Green Drinks
3) Supplement extra vitamins and minerals, especially zinc that chelates the acid DHT that causes hair shrinkage and Prostate gland enlargement or inflammation.
4) Use stimulating and alkalizing shampoos, conditioners, and hair tonics that clean the scalp naturally and remove cellular debris, sebum, bacteria, yeast, mold and parasites.
5) Protect the hair shaft with good oils contained in an alkalizing conditioner.
6) Clean and provide nutrients to the scalp and hair twice daily.
T-Cells and Thymosin
The lymphocytes job is to locate, collect and dump acids and morbid microforms from the body. The T-lymphocyte migrates from the Thymus gland is created out of the red blood cells. T-lymphocytes activate B-lymphocytes that mediate morbid microforms or antigens and their associated acids. A Thymus glandular extract can be massaged into the scalp in shampoos, conditioners, hair tonics, hair thickeners and/or ingesting as a nutritional supplement, to help in the regrowth of hair.
Research Indicates Thymus Microzymas Prevents and Regenerates Hair
2 Clinical studies in 1991 and 1992, at the Darmstadt City Hospital Dermatology Department, enrolled 20 patients suffering from alopecia areata totalis et universalis used thymus glandular extract shampoo and conditioner for 24 months and this was the result:
1) 65% or 12 patients had new hair growth on the scalp and/or other parts of the body.
2) 40% of these or 5 patients had complete remission of their alopecia.
3) Baldness went away within an average of sixteen months and as not returned in any form.
9 Other Scientific Studies of Thymus
Confirmed b Dr. M. Hagedorn in a third published paper from his clinic office at the Dermatological Department of the Municipal Hospital in Darmstadt, Germany, had this to say, “It has been proven that hair loss can be stopped and hair growth reactivated if the roots are still intact. Clinical studies on patients who were losing hair caused by alopecia androgentica showed the thymus extract
treatment was successful in 94 percent of the women and 67 percent of the men. Therapeutic success ratios increase with longer periods of treatment.”
Therapeutic Successes Against Alopecia Androgenetica & Alopecia Areata
Research results by Dr. Moessler and Prof. Dr. Hageorn are as follows:
1) 51 patients with Alopecia androgenetica and 16 patients with Alopecia areata were treated with Thymus extract over 12 months.
2) 67% of the men and 100% of the women with Alopecia androgenetica benefited with new hair growth.
3) 85% with Alopecia areata resulted in partial or full regrowth of scalp hair
Cytotoxic Hair Loss Study
The German Center Research in Heidelberg, Germany, Professor, Dr. Claus O.Keohler, former Chief of the Department of Medical and Biological Informatics did an investigation on 251 cancer patients treated with cytotoxic agents and used thymus extract as a means to prevent chemical baldness. These were the results:
1) There was no hair loss for 68.5 percent of patients over age 60 and 58.9 percent for under age 60.
Dr. Young has been researching hair loss and hair regeneration for over 20 years. He has applied his alkaline lifestyle and diet and now his newly released Head pHirst hair shampoo and Top pHinish hair conditioner to clean and heal the scalp, regenerate new hair, preserve existing hair and to keep new and existing hair healthy and strong.
The Reversal of Baldness has been a Personal Journey of over 30 Years for Dr. Robert O. Young!
The reversal for male and/or female pattern baldness is not an event but a process of months and even years of alkalizing and energizing the body with:
1) An alkalizing lifestyle and diet
2) Alkalizing nutritional supplements
3) A Anti Hair loss Shampoo with natural ingredients.