Dr. Richard Wilstatter in 1915 and Dr. H. Fisher in 1930 received the Nobel Prize for outstanding research on chlorophyll.
These facts deduced by Wilstatter were dramatic. The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to haemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. The red blood pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. Nature’s green pigment is a similar web of the same atoms except that its centrepiece is a single atom of magnesium.
The loaf of bread, the beans, the apples and the grapes in your kitchen could not be there unless it was for the magical properties of chlorophyll! All forms of life, on land and in the sea, even when they feed on each other, are parasites, depending ultimately on plant life. Your body, its flesh and its organs, is done up largely of protein coming directly to you from food plants or the flesh of plant eating animals. You, personally, exist only because of chlorophyll.
In outstanding phenomena of activity, plant life takes up water from the soil that carries to the green leaves. The leaves in turn, pick up gases such as carbon and oxygen from the gaseous elements in the air. Then through the action of invisible sun rays upon the leaves, various other elements including water and air in combination with additional gases are chemically broken up. After this has all been accomplished, the patterns of these gases and elements are then rearranged and segregated by the chlorophyll.
This entire combination is reassembled through a very elaborate chemical process into starches and sugars to ultimately form life and energy for storage in plants for future use as food by animals and humans alike.
All life energy comes from the sun. Green plants alone possess the secret of how to capture this solar energy and pass it on to people.
Offen Krantz, a research scientist, in 1950 reported successful treatment with water soluble chlorophyll on peptic ulcers of long standing.
Franz Miller, another scientist, said chlorophyll is the natural blood building element for all plant eaters and humans. He writes, “Chlorophyll has the same fast food-building effect as iron in animals made experimentally anaemic.”
Emil Burge of Berne, Switzerland, made further research on chlorophyll, which was destined to establish sound therapeutic values of chlorophyll. He says, in part “Chlorophyll is recommended as an excellent specific for influencing anaemia of various kinds, for bettering the general condition of health, for improving the action of the heart and for reducing blood pressure in cases where it is abnormally high.”
Wescott concerned himself with the effect of ingested chlorophyll on body and breath odours. The chlorophyll used for neutralizing odours is water soluble. The natural oils have been removed. When chlorophyll is taken in the form of vegetarian diet, it is not freed from the encased walls of the vegetable colla and consequently is not absorbed. This answers the question why goats have such an obnoxious odour when they eat grass all the time.
Herman Goodman, B.S., M.D., says, “Chlorophyll is recommended for application in order to stimulate healing and removing necrotic tissue debris from wounds. Chlorophyll is said to accelerate connective tissue and epidermal proliferation, thus restoring normal integument with minimum scar formation.”
Usually anything that is green in nature’s plant kingdom is most always very high in iron. Any food high in iron is always good for the liver. Chlorophyll is in most cases put up from alfalfa, which is also alkaline.
Steadman’s Medical Dictionary, 21st edition, page 308, says “Chlorophyll raises the basic nitrogen exchange and is therefore a tonic which greatly enhances the improvement of health in the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.”
Boericke’s Materia Medica with Repertory, Augmented Indian Edition, page 88, says “Alfalfa favourably influences nutrition, evidenced in ‘toning up’ the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor …. Increases quality and quantity of milk in nursing mothers.”
Chlorophyll liquid is derived from the fresh, leafy portion of alfalfa, grown on richly composted soil without the use of chemical sprays or artificial fertilizers. The alfalfa is quickly brought in from the fields and pressed to release the liquid, the life blood of the plant. The extracted juice flows directly from the press into drying equipment where it is converted into a powder, in order to transport it. It is then air expressed to the laboratory, where it is reconverted into its natural state by adding the moisture that was removed. Alfalfa has been used as tea for centuries.